
Motor M48 with spur gear S5

  • Plate gear, gear wheels made of nitrided steel, output shaft made of steel, permanent grease
    lubrication, output in sintered bronze plain bearings, plastic cover
  • Optional: output shaft with ball bearings
  • Further gear reductions on request

Gear reduction table M48 + S5

M48x25/I M48x50/I M48x60/I
Gear reduction Number of gear stages Efficiency Speed
at motor-speed 3000 rpm
Continous torque
[i = x : 1] [x] [%] [1/min] [Ncm] [Ncm] [Ncm]
10 3 73 300 37 73 110
30 4 66 100 99 198 297
50 4 66 60 165 330 495
100 5 59 30 295 500* 500*

* Motors have to be operated with current limitation

General gear data

Number of gear stages [x] 1 2 3
Max. continous torque [Ncm] 500 0 0
Recommanded input-speed [1/min] < 3000 < 3000 < 3000
Permissible axial shaft load [N] 20 0 0
Permissible radial shaft load [N] 30 0 0
Backlash (unloaded) [°] < 0.9 – 2 0 0
Temperature range [°C] -10 … 65 -10 … 65 -10 … 65
Gear-length [mm] 49 0 0

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