
Company history

Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH can look back on a company history of over 50 years and is now one of the leading manufacturers in its segment on the market worldwide. The company has specialized in brushed and brushless direct current motors in a continuous power range from 2.5 to 250 watts. Moreover, customer satisfaction has always been of the highest priority at KAG.

KAG invests in the future with a new extension

Since the beginning of 2020, the KAG has increased its production area by adding an extension. The extension, which expands the existing building, has an additional area of 2400 square meters and is intended to meet the constant need for new production lines.

KAG excellent drives

After almost 40 years of experience on the market, the company was then sold to Matthias Kählig as sole shareholder in 2003 and was renamed Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH.

New Building in Hannover

The company operated successfully on the market as VDO Antriebstechnik GmbH but was sold in 1997 and renamed GEFEG Antriebstechnik GmbH. Two years later, a new building was started on the company premises in Hanover. This comprised a 3,500 square meter production and office space.

Initial history

The company history of KAG began in 1967, when it was still a division of VDO, now a brand for automotive electronics and mechatronics of the globally active automotive supplier Continental AG, in Bebra. In 1984, the production was outsourced to Hanover. Here it was part of VDO Mess- und Regeltechnik until it was renamed VDO Antriebstechnik GmbH in 1987.